He claims the tapes being examined are forgeries (which is a lie). Rather than tackle the scientific evidence which proves his guilt, Billy's defense has been to throw anything and everything at the wall and see what sticks. No one has been able to replicate the phenomenon, nor has anyone been able to show why this phenomenon apparently happened to only Billy Mitchell and not literally anyone else ever. To this day, no one on any side has been able to explain why three different tapes of Billy's, allegedly produced on three different Donkey Kong cabinets with different capture setups several years apart, all show dozens and dozens of MAME signatures throughout, and exactly zero arcade signatures. Even techs working in Billy's defense could not demonstrate a way to produce the MAME transition screens seen on his tapes from a genuine arcade machine. Rigorous examination and testing by a number of parties at Twin Galaxies and elsewhere concluded Billy's tapes could not have originated from authentic arcade hardware as claimed. Unfortunately for Billy Mitchell, surviving footage of three of his scores showed several indicators of MAME origin, and showed no indications it was produced from a real Donkey Kong arcade cabinet, as he and his friends had always claimed. These "signatures" are not accidents, but direct and inescapable byproducts of the fact that MAME and arcade function differently. The process happens in a fraction of a second, but when slowed down, the differences are identifiable, creating what we call "MAME signatures" (as well as a few "arcade signatures"). While the emulator MAME is intended to run arcade games as accurately as possible, the way the program draws Donkey Kong level boards to the screen is noticeably different from the way the original arcade machine does it. In early 2018, a discovery was made which added fuel to a preexisting score dispute on the Twin Galaxies website. (Also note that Billy's pals at Southern-Fried Gaming Expo removed the video of Billy's 2018 presentation, so items citing that panel currently link to a post explaining that a transcript will be provided soon.) While I've obviously done a fair amount of work examining and compiling these discoveries, I'd like to make clear that only a small portion of what follows represents my own original discoveries. In-line links provide attribution and further reading. In the interest of cutting down wordiness, sources below are not named outright. Note that what follows is the result of a lot of community effort. This post is not meant to be comprehensive (if you can believe that), but rather a reflection of important points and pieces of evidence identified from the publicly available record, which is more than enough to establish Billy's guilt. This post incorporates historical material, discoveries made during the 2018 dispute, material from Billy's September 2019 legal threat, and currently released court filings from the active legal cases Billy Mitchell has filed against Twin Galaxies and others. That's because Billy Mitchell is super-duper-guilty of having pulled one of the biggest cons in gaming history.

Yes, there is a lot of evidence to go through. Billy Mitchell's denials and recriminations have been fervent and assertive (if often misleading), inspiring confidence in some and leading many bystanders to believe perhaps the evidence is ambiguous, when in fact the evidence against him is quite clear. This post is intended to collect evidence and arguments in one place, to serve as a resource, and to help interested parties understand what exactly the dispute was about. This was the result of a lengthy investigation into the claim that surviving videos of two of his past achievements could not have been produced by an actual arcade machine as Billy had claimed. On April 12, 2018, disgraced "Video Game Player of the Century" Billy Mitchell was removed from Twin Galaxies' leaderboards. The original shorter version of this post can be found here.) (This post is subject to occasional updates and additions.